New Providence Lawyers Fight for Children Who Need Special Education or Individualized Education Programs

Experienced attorneys confront school districts to help enforce student’s educational rights

Parents know best when it comes to the educational needs of their children. Special education and individualized education programs (IEPs) exist to ensure that every student receives an appropriate education. Unfortunately, school districts and employees often try to block access to these programs for cost or other reasons. When educational authorities refuse to provide children with a learning environment suited to their skills and limitations, families need an aggressive advocate. The attorneys of Stoddard Law Firm work aggressively for families to help them ensure that their children are receiving the education they deserve.

Dedicated lawyers providing strong advocacy for special needs families

We won’t let you be intimidated by the process of appealing to educators who have refused to provide the requested assistance for your child. Our NJ lawyers can represent you at each step, for any type of challenge your child might have, including:

  • Autism or Asperger’s syndrome
  • Hearing or visual impairment
  • Orthopedic injury or other physical ailment
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Learning disability
  • ADHD or attention deficit disorder

No matter the specific condition, we argue for your child’s legal right to learn in the right educational environment and help forge an educational plan that allows them to succeed. We will take your concerns to any necessary party, including teachers, administrators, school boards, medical professionals, and regulatory authorities.

Lawyers working tirelessly for you through the special education process

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act grants parents of children with disabilities the ability to have their child evaluated for special education eligibility. Time is of the essence when a child struggles at school, so we will press for an expedited, thorough assessment of your child’s abilities. Our attorneys can also help review all documents to ensure that your rights are not violated.

Lawyers marshaling the necessary people and resources to develop an effective IEP

Once the authorities agree that your child needs additional assistance, we will convene school personnel and anyone else necessary to create an IEP. This will spell out exactly what your child needs and what must be provided by the school. We will then monitor the child’s progress to ensure compliance and review the periodic school updates required by law. Learning can be a complicated process, so we will not hesitate to request changes after the plan goes into effect.

Contact an aggressive NJ lawyer to help pursue the educational support your child is entitled to

At Stoddard Law Firm, we will take on the educational bureaucracy to help obtain the special education or IEP that can improve your child’s life. For someone who will stand with you and your child, contact our law office online or at 908.555.1212.