New Providence Foreclosure Defense Attorneys

Saving your home from wrongful foreclosure

You worked hard to purchase your dream home. When unexpected circumstances occur that put your home at risk of foreclosure, you can take crucial steps to ensure your lender complies with its legal duties. Stoddard Law Firm combines innovative strategies with fierce determination to defend your right to keep your home. When selling your home presents the better option, we guide you toward the most advantageous situation. Some ways we can help you include:

  • Foreclosure defense
  • Bankruptcy proceedings
  • Mortgage modification
  • Loan forbearance
  • Short sale guidance and preparation
  • Deeds in lieu of foreclosure

Foreclosure defense strategies

We fight banks to protect your home from wrongful foreclosure by challenging the legality of the proceedings. If necessary, we can help you file a Chapter 13 petition to stop the foreclosure action.

Mortgage modification

If your home has dropped in value to below your outstanding loan amount or you no longer can afford your monthly payments under your current mortgage, you may be eligible for a loan modification. Our attorneys negotiate with the bank to have the terms of the original loan permanently changed to reduce payments to an amount you can afford.

Loan forbearance

Forbearance gives you a temporary reprieve from making payments on your loan while your lender agrees not foreclose on your home during the forbearance period. The arrangement can give you a much-needed break if you have fallen behind in your payments.

Short sale

During the real estate bubble, many homes were overvalued and mortgages issued that reflected the inflated price. Home values plummeted and now many homeowners owe more on their properties than they are worth. With no equity in their properties, these homeowners have found themselves stuck in a cycle of debt from which they cannot extricate themselves. A short sale allows you to sell your home for less than the amount you owe on the loan. The bank avoids the expense and time for foreclosure and you can walk away from the oppressive debt.

Deed in lieu of foreclosure

Much like a short sale, a deed in lieu of foreclosure allows you to relinquish your interest in your home for the amount of the loan by exchanging your deed for the loan cancellation. We aggressively negotiate with your lender and meticulously prepares the agreement to ensure you do not lose your home and still remain saddled with the loan, but instead you are truly relieved of the debt.

Contact dedicated NJ foreclosure defense attorneys today

Stoddard Law Firm is located in and serves clients in and around . Call us at 908.555.1212 or contact us online to schedule your consultation.