NJ Collection Attorneys Assist Creditors and Debtors

Experienced attorneys get professional results in collection cases

Stoddard Law Firm is trusted by clients across NJ to help creditors and debtors deal with collection issues. We provide legal advice and litigation services at every level of state and federal court. We have successfully helped a wide variety of creditors — including banks, businesses, corporations, attorneys, accounts, landlords, real estate agencies, consulting firms and financing companies — collect the debts owed to them. We have also achieved excellent results for debtors seeking to settle accounts, discharge debt, end harassment, or pursue damages for unlawful collection tactics.

New Providence attorneys committed to providing results

We assist a wide variety of businesses and professional practices in collecting payments from debtors. We employ effective strategies to recover amounts owed on:

  • Breaches of contracts
  • Court judgments
  • Credit lines
  • Fees for professional services
  • Goods sold or delivered
  • Guaranties and promissory notes
  • Liens of all types
  • Loan defaults
  • Rent payments
  • Replevin actions subject to creditors’ liens
  • Sureties
  • Unjust enrichment claims

We are dedicated to delivering an exceptional client experience. Throughout the collection process, which could entail a demand, settlement negotiations, a lawsuit, and enforcement procedures to collect the judgment, we work closely with you to deliver optimum results.

Protecting debtors from abusive debt collection tactics

Stoddard Law Firm works with businesses and consumers to resolve burdensome debt through settlement negotiations, loan workouts and bankruptcy. Additionally, as a reputable collections law firm, we are often deeply troubled by stories we hear about harassing and unlawful collection practices. If you are a consumer facing abusive collection tactics, Stoddard Law Firm can help. State and federal law govern the collection of debt. When creditors violate these laws, we hold them accountable. For example, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) prohibits creditors from engaging in abusive practices to collect debts, including:

  • Harassment — Debt collectors are legally prohibited from acting with harassing behavior, including:
    • Threatening you with violence
    • Publishing your name
    • Using obscene or profane language
    • Calling you repeatedly to annoy you
  • False statements — Debt collectors are legally prohibited from lying, including:
    • Falsely representing themselves as attorneys or government agents
    • Claiming you owe more money than you do
    • Misrepresenting that the nature of papers they send you are legal if they are not
    • Stating that you will be arrested
    • Saying that they will seize assets unless they are legally permitted to do so
    • Threatening to take legal action if they lack legal grounds or do not intend to do so
  • Deception — Debt collectors are legally prohibited from using deceptive means, which include:
    • Sending you a document designed to appear as if it is from a court or government agency when it is not
    • Providing a third party with false credit information about you
    • Using a false name
  • Unfair practices — Debt collectors are legally prohibited from engaging in unfair practices, for example:
    • Collecting fees or interests not authorized by law or contract
    • Depositing a post-dated check prior to the date indicated
    • Illegally taking property
    • Contacting you by postcard

Consumers may sue abusive collectors for damages

Our attorneys analyze whether the collectors violated FDCPA and other NJ and federal laws. We guide you in the collection of evidence, and establish a case against the abusive debt collectors. While we put an end to the harassment, we can also assess your debt to determine whether settlement negotiations or bankruptcy may be options for the long-term resolution of your financial troubles.

Contact an experienced debt collection attorney in NJ

Stoddard Law Firm is located in and represents creditors and debtors throughout . Call Stoddard Law Firm at 908.555.1212 or contact us online to schedule your consultation.